Novel Allogeneic
Immune Cell Therapy
Our Mirror Effect® protocols incorporate “off-the-shelf”, non-genetically manipulated, patented AlloStim® immune cells that are uniquely designed to be rejected so as to avoid graft vs. host disease (GVHD) side effects. Upon rejection, AlloStim® modifies the host immune system to mediate long-term therapeutic effects. AlloStim® is derived from healthy blood donors (allogeneic). Current living immune cell therapies (e.g. CAR-T cells, NK cells, dendritic cells, stem cells, KIR cells, etc) are derived from a patient’s own blood, treated and expanded outside the body and subsequently returned to the same patient (autologous).
Allogeneic cell therapies are desired over autologous cell therapies. Autologous cell therapies lack economy of scale as they can only be administered to the same patient from which they were derived, whereas allogeneic therapies are derived from one donor and can be subsequently used to treat multiple patients. Autologous immune cells are generally derived from patients that have immune systems that have been adversely affected by disease and prior treatments (such as radiation and chemotherapy). The poor condition of patient immune cells with advanced disease and prior treatments adversely affects the ability to grow sufficient numbers of healthy autologous immune cells for re-infusion. By contrast, allogeneic cells can be derived from healthy donors, expanded and aliquoted into “off-the-shelf” doses that can be distributed to multiple patients.
Autologous Immune Cell Therapy
Allogeneic Immune Cell Therapy

The patient-specific nature of autologous cell therapies can make large-scale production extremely challenging because a separate batch must be produced for each patient. An error in the production directly translates into a failed treatment for a patient. When the source cells are derived from seriously ill patients, the risk of manufacturing failure increases.
Allogenic immune cell therapies provide the advantage of an economy of scale and “off-the-shelf” distribution capability. However, allogeneic cell therapies have a narrow window of effectiveness as they are readily rejected by the host immune system. If allogeneic cells persist in a patient they can attack normal cells causing an often lethal side-effect known as graft vs. host disease (GVHD)